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A Letter from Erin

Hello, my name is Erin. I am happily married to the most amazing man and a momma to three handsome, funny boys.

I have always loved jewelry. When I was a little girl, exploring through my mom and grandma’s jewelry collections brought me so much happiness. Different designs and styles for different occasions, or one simple piece of jewelry that could be worn daily. It all was fascinating to me and still is!


Let’s fast forward to how Magnolia Allen was created.


In September 2021, my family and I were devastated with the unexpected and shocking loss of my father, Charles Allen. As I’m sure you could imagine, our hearts were completely shattered. I know that I can speak on behalf of everyone in my family when I say that we have not felt such a loss as this one.


My husband, Eric, and I stumbled upon a small-town business that made memorial jewelry and had a ring personally designed by me, with my Daddy’s ashes The day that I put that ring on my finger, is the day that I received peace that I never thought I’d experience again (along with God's grace, of course). This ring memorializes my Dad; it feels like he’s always with me.


It has been on my heart since that moment, to make memorial pieces. To be honest, I have fought this “gut feeling” for as long as I possibly could, but I know that this is my calling.


I am ready to go all in with Magnolia Allen.


My husband and I have huge hearts and put 100% into everything that we do. We want to help people heal and this is the best way we know how. We promise that we will treat everyone (including your loved ones/pet remains and breast milk) with the same care and respect that was given to us. We will go above and beyond to make the process go smoothly.


Starting out, we will be focusing on memorial jewelry (rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.) which will include your loved ones (or pets!) remains. Our goal is to add additional jewelry designs (regular pieces) and memorial items that aren’t necessarily jewelry (I know not all people are jewelry lovers ). We've also added Breast Milk Keepsakes , which I'm super excited about.

We cannot wait to get this journey started and hope you’ll join us along the way. Thank you for the support and love that we've already received. Thank you to our boys and our parents for their prayers and support; but most importantly, thank you to my husband for having my back and for believing in me and allowing me to follow my calling and for the countless hours doing research and listening to all of my thoughts and ideas. You are a God send.


Thank you ALL for trusting me with your hearts.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.


With love,





My Daddy, Charles Allen, and me


My Husband, Eric, and me

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